Tom Holland is one of the most sought after actors right now in the film industry. He’s the lead in the Spider-Man series and he’s also scheduled to play in the upcoming Uncharted film. He’s extremely talented and we’re huge fans, but after a conversation with his management, according to them, he’s not that nice of a guy...at least in our minds. Here’s the story:
Recently, we’ve been sending packages out to celebs all across the world, introducing them to our brand and giving them a select garment, along with information about us. This is normal in the fashion world. Brands do it all the time. Our marketing director contacted Tom Holland’s representation to get his address and sizing. Almost immediately, we get a reply back. Here’s what they told us Tom said:
”Hey guys, thanks so much for reaching out to us in regards to offering Tom clothing. While Tom is appreciative of your kind gesture, he is respectfully declining free wardrobe at this challenging time. Tom would prefer you donate the clothes to those in dire need. He is abundantly blessed already.”
Now...while donating apparel is a great thing(we do this often, helping kids and low income families in need), why would we donate hand made specific garments that customers pay for? This came from Tom specifically? If so, wow. If you’ve never dealt with celebrities in any fashion, the asshole attitude is extremely common in their world. This...was that.
Reading the email, I had to pause on the response. I was like...wait, what?!? Who says this?
Personally, I take it as an insult! Lol! They didn’t ask if we donated clothing already and Tom is always getting clothing from the luxury labels! I think this was there way of saying hell no, politely? It’s sad that Tom would diss us in such a cold way! We’re an up and coming brand and he and his reps basically feel like we’re not on the level of sending him gear...right? Is that how you guys see it? That’s how we see it. He could have easily just taken the clothing and not worn it like many celebrities do, lol.
But seriously, we’re fans of his and we wish him the best as he continues to blossom. But man, he and his reps could have been a little bit nicer. I’m sure they wouldn’t have told Tom Ford, Ralph Lauren or anyone like that anything like that. It was an awful response to a small biz, especially in this time. It’s possible that he never even saw the email, us and he just has shitty representation(strong possibility), but when your reply says that he specifically said something, now he’s fully involved.
We’re creating a short YouTube blog post about the story next week. We hope you guys check it out. A few more details from the email will be added.